(Stephen Parker, Senior Industry Evangelist, 1visionOT)
It's only a few years since 'Cloud', 'Big Data' and 'Mobile' became the bright, shiny things. Now they're mainstream with most major technology vendors trumpeting their market leadership or targeted dominance in one area or another. Customers are now focusing their IT spend in these new area's, referred to by IDC as the 3rd Platform.
This acceptance of technological innovation is great news because as like any change, it creates opportunity. However with mass acceptance comes the challenges of increased competition and growing customer expectations.
For service providers there are two major risks:
- For the organisations that were 'early adopters', there is the risk of complacency. Michael McQueen would explain it by saying "they saw the tipping point early, but whilst they were basking in the glow of success, they missed the turning point and are at risk of going beyond the tanking point". Video.
- For the organisations that have not yet 'bought into' the cloud and don't think it effects them, they are at risk of a blind spot. Looking through the lenses of old business models will expose limited benefits and lots of risk. But they believe the great relationships they have with their customers means they are able to determine a time at which they change.
Irrespective of your current position, as a service provider you need to be thinking about your Innovation Strategy and how you are going to continue to be a Disruptor. Register now for the rhipe Cloud Summit: http://www.rhipe.com/cloud-channel-summit-2016/
As Jack Welch (Chairman, GE, 1981-2001) said:
"Willingness to change is a strength, even if it means plunging part of the company into total confusion for a while".
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